I thought I would add this from a 'Western Astrology' viewpoint (not my own, as I've always found this area of 'Countries' charts' difficult), so this is a short extract from:
http://www.caroledevine.blogspot.com/ in which there is much more should anyone wish to pursue this:
"Let’s start with the chart for Egypt which is set for June 19, 1953 at 1:30 am in Cairo which is when the proclamation of the new Republic was read over the radio by General Neguib (Campion: Book of World Horoscopes). I have no doubt this is the correct chart in light of recent events.
There are several themes. One is the progressed Sun is conjoining the progressed Pluto, and on the day Mubarak stepped down, the transiting Sun was opposing this. The progressed Sun (and the transiting Sun) was in good aspect to progressed Saturn. The Sun-Pluto conjunction closes in six months, the time of the elections. Progressed Jupiter was also within a degree of squaring natal Moon, which is not partile yet. That shows a little too much optimism right ahead. However, real change is coming since the Sun-Pluto progression is a dying and rebirthing indicator and the progressed ascendant is less than one month from changing signs. The country’s persona is emerging into a new energy...".