ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growth.

This area of the forum is for Western and Vedic astrology discussions. Please post personal issues in the appropriate forum area.

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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by sadulpurkhan »

That's true Astrology is best and effective method to solve the life's some Unsolicited problem. thanks for sharing this article in which you really define the value of astrology in our daily life. keep it up.
also read our article on Islamic astrology
Thanks & Regard
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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by Phillip »

a very first line of your words defines the beauty of astrology its a psychological goal which has lot to do with science and spiritual activity.
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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by Phillip »

true words it is a psychological medicine and there is nothing much we can say about it but we do know it has some association with transcription of Vedic ideology and hindu mythology
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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by Petra Filiz »

Yes, Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their effect on humans and other entities on earth.
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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by blackcobra »

I believe Astrology is more than a mere Psychological feeling or effect....

Small doubt.. Can a persons future change based on his good deeds in his present life time.
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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by Heerbinder »

Is Astrology really true and works for the welfare of mankind? I am confused about this. Even I have seen many guys sitting on the road. And they can easily tell about the luck. Though I didn't try that ever. Can you give me exact information about Astrology?
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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by admin »

Hi Heerbinder,

"Is astrology really true" ? The ultimate question ! And inevitably there is no simple answer. I think if you have read through at least some of the queries and replies on this Forum, you would surely be able to see that it ‘works’. But you would have to study astrology in order to really understand it and ‘prove’ it to yourself, and that itself requires much hard work and dedication, which so many of astrology’s detractors are clearly unwilling to attempt.

It’s easy to understand why its validity is queried as, for example, Western Astrology uses a system that is no longer relevant to the actual positions of the planets in the Constellations/Zodiacal Signs. But that’s the least of it. The Big Question is, how is it possible that all of those unidentifiable ‘figures’ assigned to the ‘constellations’ (the Zodiac) came to be ? How could those early and ancient peoples looking into such a vast night sky possibly have come up with such as The Water-bearer, The Crab etc. ? But then you would have to consider that old adage ‘As Above, So Below’, or in other words, the Outer world or Cosmos, is a reflection of the Inner or Human state and condition.

It’s all about patterns and energies. And if an astrologer says something like ‘Mars is energy and drive’, how could any rational person accept that at face value ? You would have to study both the ancient past and the psychological developments of we humans, especially those of the last 100 + years, and particularly such as Carl Jung and his development of the concept of ‘archetypes’ which represent, describe, qualify and reflect those external and internal patterns.

And whether it works for the ‘welfare of mankind’ depends on how each individual astrologer interprets and uses astrological information, just as it is up to each individual as to whether or not, or how they choose to use that information.

Re the matter of the ‘guys sitting on the road’...well astrology isn’t about ‘luck’ (at least not in the ‘fortune telling’ way which so many assume it to be). You could ask the same about all of the individuals in war-torn areas, the refugees, the starving millions and on and on. But it’s about our journey in and through this existence, and of discovery about our selves, both individually and collectively, and how we each experience and deal with any situation in which we find ourselves.

Well, I doubt that’s answered your question, and certainly it’s rudimentary. But there it is, and it’s up to you as to what you do with it, or whether you choose to accept or not the validity of astrology.

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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by vashikaranhub »

True, ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growth. i am completely agreed it because people who believe in astrology simply justify how spiritual the person is because whenever life put people under circumstances where they do not find how to tackle with their problems then, they decide to take the help of astrology and astrology is all about psychology and spirituality. Astrologers are not god ,people go to them with their problems because they give remedies or suggest some tips to control over the problems of life because they relate every things with the transition of planets and accordingly they give remedies and when people follow those remedies and they get better results automatically they develop as a spiritual person.
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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by admin »

Nice post vashikaranhub !

Thank you.

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Re: ASTROLOGY - a tool for psychological and spiritual growt

Post by raghu2017 »

Astrology as a field of study has been around for a long time. Like many theologians, astrologers have been revered as counselors in many civilizations. There have been both positive and negative uses and abuses of astrology during the eons.

Now in our Aquarian Age, we have the opportunity to make astrology a science and powerful tool for spiritual growth. As an energy science, you will never find the narrow limits of the scientific method. Similar to a theology or alchemy, it can be a systematic method for understanding many of the spiritual aspects of our universe. In addition, a number of powerful twentieth-century ideas can help us redefine astrology as a spiritual Path.
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