What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

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What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by TaurusLeonne »

Hello, greetings! :D

I'm 39, woman. Birth info: 08 oct. 1985, Sydney NSW Australia, 19:50 (pm).
Sun in Libra, Moon in Cancer, Rising Taurus. Current location Castries, St-Lucia.

I am wondering what to expect from Pluto in Aquarius the next 20 years, in the professional area, House 10.

Pluto will reach my natal Jupiter at 7°09 Aquarius in 3 years time, is that an auspicious transit? Given that it will follow the exact Pluto square Pluto period (3°53) that seems to have already started... :shock:

I currently have a progressed Mercury conjunct natal Uranus (8th House, Sag.) and also a progressed Sun almost conjunct my natal Saturn (7th House, Scorpio), and a progressed Saturn about to go into Sagittarius.

:roll: My social life melted away during the past decade, it's like a desert now... Is it an effect of Neptune's transit? Neptune square Neptune?
The past 10 years were challenging, after I graduated my "career" didn't start, instead I kept learning new skills to change field. Today I have several irons in the fire... Different timelines for the future.

:?: Is Astrology a path my chart indicates me to take? The Asteroïd Destinn conjunct my Uranus 8th House is this something to take into consideration? And what about the Asteroid Talent conjunct Sun in Libra in 6th House indicating my field of work, in harmony with Chiron and Uranus? :?: Is the North Node on my ASC responsible for putting me into the video/film field - and blurring the sense of self? Is there any aspect that explain why I feel pulled in different directions regarding the professional sector of life? :?:

Thank you! :wink:
Taurus Leonne.
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by Noel Eastwood »

TaurusLeonne, hello, well let's have a look see at your chart and try to fathom all those questions you have. I don't have all the answers but I can help a little.

I think I will take some time to have a look at your chart, it's a rather complex one to. Let's start with the Sun. It's in Libra, a sign that is not good at making decisions, it prefers to blow along with the wind. It is, however, connected to your Grand Trine: Sun - Jupiter - Chiron. Also have another one that doesn't come up in most charts: North Node-Neptune and Venus/Mars. That Neptune-Venus/Mars is slightly out of orb but I'll include it as a Grand Trine.

Your Sun is nicely aspected, it doesn't have any nasty connections so it is free to share itself among your cast of stars. Sun in Libra in the 6th house is a slight nod to Virgo (he lies in the 6th house which is a Virgo house), so here are two signs that don't handle change very well. The fact you have done to much is a bonus, basically because your sense of self is strong. So I'd like to say that your self esteem is strong too, but let's look at the Moon, just in case.

And the Moon has it all. It forms a T-square with an opposition to Jupiter and two squares to Mercury and Pluto. It also has a quincunx to Neptune and a nice trine to Saturn. It is one of three T-squares, Chiron opposite Uranus and both square Venus/Mars; and North Node opposite Pluto both squaring Jupiter. That's a lot of T-squares. Its says a lot about your Moon too. The Moon is in Cancer, a female sign that is connected to family and just wants to be loved. It rules female parts such as breast and ovaries and they need to be cared

So we could say that you have enough patterns between the planets to serve a lifetime. It takes a lifetime to learn about them, what they mean to you and how to handle them, so don't stress out, you've got plenty of time. OK, I'll take a rest and let you digest this, I'll wait till you reply.
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by TaurusLeonne »

Hello Noel,
I'm so delighted you answered! Thank you!

I will go again through your first analysis as I have to get some rest, but before, I did a diagram with the houses that I linked regarding their rulerships, it helps me see more clearly what's on the chart wheel and how the houses relate to one another (see joint document). Sorry for my hand writing, it was a draft, but I thought I'd share it with you anyways. I didn't include the aspects yet, but that's how I see my Moon is isolated, but with the squares to Mercury and Pluto, she causes some trouble while not being directly linked by rulerships.

I'm curious about that grand trine you spotted, "North Node-Neptune and Venus/Mars", and yes, the T squares I still have to understand them in my real life experience of it. I'll try what you suggested in your interview with Taylor, meditate and ask the chart and the involved planets what they actually mean... And also I got your audio book, I will listen to it this week end. :D
Taurus Leonne
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by Noel Eastwood »

You certainly have a handle on astrology! That's good work I must say. Okay, what I'll do is add a little, like answer your question - what does Pluto do in Aquarius?

I've written about Pluto entering Aquarius in my newsletters quite a bit too, he's leaving the staid, conformity of Capricorn and entering the rebelliousness of Aquarius and that is a huge difference. What's interesting he has entered Aquarius today!

For you... not much will happen, not until he approaches Jupiter followed by the Midheaven, lots will change then. First off he will start causing a ruckus entering your 10th house. Not too much though at first, as he hasn't much to do, but then as het gets closer to Jupiter then you will know him. He will rearrange your life in ways that you don't understand, I have a feeling that some 8th house stuff will be available to you, leaving your body, flashes of insight, intuition happening, that sort of thing.

So when it happens I'd be keeping a diary and record events so you can look over them in the future.
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by TaurusLeonne »

Hello Noel,

How nice to hear this from an experienced astrologer! Thanks! I do my best to understand and synthetize, I still have a long way to go. :P
I will look for your article on Pluto in Aquarius. I am only discovering you these days, I'm totally new here! I have to catch up with your articles! And yes, right on time with Pluto entering Aquarius (it just happened like this).

Thank you very much for your answer on my Pluto in Aquarius 10th House question, :) and for drawing my attention to the 8th house stuff that will probably be linked to the Pluto-Jupiter/MC conjunctions. Wow... so I'm really heading to that Harry Potter phase...? :lol: Well, I can only surrender to whatever will happen. I have till 2028 to train myself to let go, and keep learning astrology, and let life guide me.

Those 15 years of Pluto in Capricorn were just so... a real-life roller coaster that peeled all the layers of my illusionned onion along the way, showing me the heights and the undergrounds of this world, sometimes in a single day, with x-ray glasses on followed by Neptune's fog alternatively. :shock: Ego strip, destruction of dreams and some not funny hardships, I held tight to not be ejected from the ride, I'm still here.
What I retain is that it totally changed my whole understanding and view on how humanity functions. Once I understand the mechanism behind people's behaviours and the structure of society, it removes the "drama" of life that causes the suffering. It also helped to understand myself. And Astrology gave me in a few weeks more answers than all I gathered all those years, so it really got me fascinated!
It's also quite scary when you come accross things related to health issues, deseases and death, accidents, fatality. I have to learn to deal with that kind of information, it's part of the interpretation of the different combinations. I wonder how professional astrologers handle all those not so pleasant information? So that's Pluto currently in my 9th house finishing it's transit there... If that's a preparation to what's to come in the 1Oth... gosh...

Oh! Yes diaries! With what you said I can be sure that writing diaries is really an important thing to do, specially during the upcoming transit. :D I've been writing diaries since my teenage years (strangely I always noted the time with the date). And since I started astrology last year about every two month I get a new journal. I take notes of where is the moon and some aspects if something particular the sky is happening at that moment (synchronicities), even if interpreting that seems abstract for now, and I write about the things I notice, ideas, thoughts, personal analysis... Maybe one day I look back into this with more insight I'll be able to fully understand the hows and the whys. I will make sure I continue with that.

Have a good week-end!
Taurus Leonne.
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by Noel Eastwood »

I can see that right now you have been struggling with a trine from transiting Neptune and natal Moon. That would be something with Neptune, abandonment, and Moon, feelings, so a combination of them both is not really a good thing. But, they are both Water, so maybe some good will come of it? I'm not sure yet.
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by TaurusLeonne »

Hi Noel,

You spotted this right! That trine with transiting Neptune and natal Moon has been going on for months! Lots of things have been triggering my feelings for sure. Those "feelings of abandonment" perhaps linked to my recent father's death (june equinox) and what followed that since. Realising that I have to "just do it" and not wait on anyone to say "go", because life showed me nothing happens, I'll wait forever. It's an evident thing, but somehow only now I'm getting it. So I'm directing my focus back to self, my health, my dreams... taking actions regarding that. I do hope I'll succeed into producing something good out of this Neptune trine natal moon phase. But yes the word "struggling" illustrates that ride.

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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Yep, you got that right, and I think the Moon (emotional), Mars, Venus and Pluto (hmm, emotions too), are what drives, or inhibits you. It's a pretty big ask to handle such a issue as one emotions. I'm glad you have done the hard years to understand that we are alone, in a big sense, and that we are responsible to do the healing, it's all up to us.
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by TaurusLeonne »

Hello Noel,

Sure! Your description of the 5th house in one of your newsletters made me understand more things than what I previously did. So I get a better grasp at that strong Venus-Mars conjunction in my 5th house! As you mention, this, plus the Moon and Pluto in my chart make all my experience pretty much evreything but boring. I don't know how I've handled all this all at once. Perhaps thanks to my 8th house or resilience, but some moments I really didn't feel emotionally strong at all. But the antidote is never to far aways from the poison. I thought the 5th house was just "fun, art, romance and children" and "wanting to shine like the sun", while I read in the vedic astrology they add to that house the intellect and learning skills and mantras, but I admit I didn't really fully understand what that particular house is really about on a deeper level. So I thought that Venus-Mars combination was just making me passionate or sometimes "too much". But it actually has far more influence, now I'm reviewing everything through those lenses... Your description of it brings more depth, as pushing a little more into what the concept of "fun" actually means regarding astrology, and specially what can happen when that house goes wack. Actually, understanding the out-of-balance version of the Houses makes me understand their symbolism in how they are supposed to actually work. Probably because in this world there are more out-of-balance houses than totally balanced ones in people's live we can observe around us...? It's almost easier to spot what's not working than trying to identify something from an archetype... maybe that's just my way of seeing things.
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Re: What can I expect with Pluto in Aquarius?

Post by Noel Eastwood »

I am so glad to help :)
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