Mars Square Mars Transit in 6th house

Transits are the most obvious and immediately evident way in which astrological influences can be shown to continue beyond the natal horoscope. They are a rich and complex means of exploring and suggesting ongoing opportunities for personal/psychological development within, not only an individual, but also within Families, and Countries.
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Mars Square Mars Transit in 6th house

Post by Lakari »

Hi there!

What would a mars square mars transit in the 6th house look like? I have a loooong transit starting today and ending on January 15! 😟

Here are my details if anyone is interested:
November 9, 1989@12:36pm Los Angeles, CA

Thank you 🙂
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Re: Mars Square Mars Transit in 6th house

Post by admin »

Hi Lakari,

Inevitably it can result in irritability and a tendency to arguments, so being aware of this is naturally important otherwise you might find yourself bickering endlessly and not only feverishly wasting your precious resources and energies (Mars rules your "intercepted" 2nd House), but also in careless physical actions (such as the usual cuts, bruises, fevers, etc.).
In other words, be conscious of your words and actions.

Naturally too this can cause you to make rash and impulsive decisions, not least of all, financially.

Given that your Natal Mars is conjunct your 9th House cusp, this can involve disputes re 'foreign affairs' so it's best not to get involved in discussions about such as you will feel that you are right (and "they" are wrong).

Nonetheless, despite this friction, it is very energising and you can accomplish much...if you go ahead with some caution (aided by transiting Saturn conjunct your Relocated Asc., and then moving in forward motion through your Relocated Asc.).

NOTE: Mars starts to retrograde on 8th Dec. and this suggests a slow-down with regard to energies as you begin to discover which previous actions were "right", and which were...less so. It's a good time to re-cap and figure out better ways to move forward.

Then, it turns direct at the end of Feb. (in the 18th Deg. Cancer in your 5th House), and will return to the Mars square your Mars in late April...this time, passing that square very quickly so any frustrations you may have been experiencing will pass quickly then.

As frustrating as it may seem during any parts of this whole period, it is a very valuable time and will help you to understand your own energies better, and how to use them productively.

Hope this helps.

"Don't let the illusions of your past or future rob you of the infiniteness of your present." [Unknown]
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Re: Mars Square Mars Transit in 6th house

Post by Lakari »

admin wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 9:11 am Hi Lakari,

Inevitably it can result in irritability and a tendency to arguments, so being aware of this is naturally important otherwise you might find yourself bickering endlessly and not only feverishly wasting your precious resources and energies (Mars rules your "intercepted" 2nd House), but also in careless physical actions (such as the usual cuts, bruises, fevers, etc.).
In other words, be conscious of your words and actions.

Naturally too this can cause you to make rash and impulsive decisions, not least of all, financially.

Given that your Natal Mars is conjunct your 9th House cusp, this can involve disputes re 'foreign affairs' so it's best not to get involved in discussions about such as you will feel that you are right (and "they" are wrong).

Nonetheless, despite this friction, it is very energising and you can accomplish much...if you go ahead with some caution (aided by transiting Saturn conjunct your Relocated Asc., and then moving in forward motion through your Relocated Asc.).

NOTE: Mars starts to retrograde on 8th Dec. and this suggests a slow-down with regard to energies as you begin to discover which previous actions were "right", and which were...less so. It's a good time to re-cap and figure out better ways to move forward.

Then, it turns direct at the end of Feb. (in the 18th Deg. Cancer in your 5th House), and will return to the Mars square your Mars in late April...this time, passing that square very quickly so any frustrations you may have been experiencing will pass quickly then.

As frustrating as it may seem during any parts of this whole period, it is a very valuable time and will help you to understand your own energies better, and how to use them productively.

Hope this helps.


That’s so interesting! You mentioned it going direct in the 5th house, would any of this indicate pregnancy? Or is this transit affecting my career being currently in my 6th house? I have been putting more efforts into obtaining a remote job to work from home, and travel more. Possibly even move out of the country.

Thank you for your time 🙏✨
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Re: Mars Square Mars Transit in 6th house

Post by admin »

Hi Lakari,

Given that these Mars issues are relevant to health matters, the square mentioned isn't particularly positive for pregnancy as it might (and, remembering I'm not a medical practitioner, please note "might") result in such as miscarriage, or at least difficulties of some sort.
It thus seems like a better idea to wait until after it turns direct in late Feb. and trines your Sun in early March in Cancer (the Moon's Sign), and your Mercury (which rules your Natal 5th House).

Re work matters, transiting Jupiter - which rules your 10th/career and is currently in your 4th House/Home - does at least indicate the urge to work from home but also the possibility for doing so.
Jupiter is retrograde currently and this too, turns direct in Feb. This doesn't mean that you won't find such work before Jupiter turns direct, but it does suggest that it might take a while for it to be fruitful financially given that Jupiter co-rules your Natal 2nd House.

This transiting Jupiter in your 4th also indicates the possibility of moving home, but it does seem like you're trying to do too many things at once, and this is that Mars energy I mentioned - trying to accomplish too many things at the same time. Might be a good idea to meditate or spend some quiet times somewhere in order to settle yourself before you make any (rash?) decisions.

"Don't let the illusions of your past or future rob you of the infiniteness of your present." [Unknown]
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