Solar return 2024/2025

Describes the energies and areas according to the moment the Sun returns to its exact natal position as it recurs in the current year, and in the current location.
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Solar return 2024/2025

Post by leo_virgo »


My birthday was a few days ago, so I am interested to know what this Solar return year will bring. (as Admin already knows my chart :D )
I wonder if work and love will remain stable, is it gonna be some good changes there? And overall impression as well.
I hope I will change the residence, and hope that it will be a good year. Started to train hard and pay attention on my health, I wish to continue that journey throughout the year.
Birth date and time: 05 August 1996, 08:25AM, Female
Place: Belgrade, Serbia

I appreciate your time and knowledge, thank you! :)
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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by admin »

Hi leo_virgo,

I missed this. Apologies.
Will surely look at your SR and get back to you within the next few days.

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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by admin »

Hi leo_virgo,

The Solar Return is generally very good with regard to all the areas you mention, and particularly so given the tremendous efforts you are making with regard to your health. It's possible that you may be required to take on more responsibility at work and, if this occurs, keep your health on track in order to cope with this.

The transits do suggest that there will be some stresses during the course of the rest of this year (2024). Nonetheless, there is likely to be some considerable capacity for creatively dealing with any such stresses and which result in a whole new mind-set and depth of understanding you can hardly begin to imagine, and which you've already started to feel.

With regard to changing residence, actually it may be that some possibility has already arisen, or perhaps will even arise within the next few days. If this should be the case, note that Mercury is retrograde currently so do check every detail of any contract to make sure you haven't missed anything. September is possible for such a move, but if not, I will be surprised if such doesn't happen at least early next year.

There's a lot of positive energy working for you during this Solar Return period. Just keep your "eye on the ball", keep fit, and you'll be able to make the most of them.

Hope you'll keep me updated as time goes by, and if you have any further questions, please do ask and I'll do my best to assist.

Best to You,
"Don't let the illusions of your past or future rob you of the infiniteness of your present." [Unknown]
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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by leo_virgo »

Hi admin,

Thank you for your reading.

I feel more socially engaged from early June, which is probably expected due to 11th house position in the 1st house SR.
Yeah, for that change of residence or inheritance, I'm hoping for last 2 years, but I think that won't happen before winter since my boyfriend is abroad till autumn (Saturn 7th transit :lol: )
Some thoughts about changing the job cross my mind very frequently in a last few months, it is very stressful period, and I feel like I try so hard for nothing. Also, I have a sense that my progress at work completely stopped. I wonder would it be good to look for a job at some other company in the autumn/winter?

Thanks again.
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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by admin »

Hi leo_virgo,

Thank you. That extra info sheds more light on this SR.

Pluto retro in the SR 8th turns direct 12th Oct., and comes back to that point on 10th/11th Dec., during or after which the matter of inheritance may come to fruition. Mercury (after another retro period in Jan.) conjoins Pluto in that area at end of Jan. suggesting news or specific communication about such matters, especially as Mercury is your ruling planet.

Interesting too that this SR period began with a Nodal Axis reverse (NN conjunct natal SN, and vice versa) - a time when past meets future, and occurring just prior to the Saturn Return. I note that this is across your Natal 2nd/8th axis - personal finances/values and 'shared resources'/inheritances, and also rules SR 8th and 9th.
(So much about this Nodal Axis reversal, but which I'll leave you to research yourself ...).

Re work, yes, retrograde Saturn conj. the SR 10th clearly indicates the current work situation difficulties and stress. (The alternative was extra workload which I mentioned previously). And this issue also relevant to Neptune retro in the SR 10th, quincunx Venus in the SR 3rd. (Quincunxes being about the need to constantly adjust and re-adjust to situations - very similar to Uranus in many ways).

Transiting Saturn retrogrades out of your SR 10th in early Oct., turns direct 16th Nov., and recrosses SR Midheaven late Dec./early Jan. (and also re-conjoins your Natal 7th House cusp). Again it does seem likely that end of this year/early next year is when you will really start to be able to move forward.

I realise that your current work situation is creating difficulties for you but, even though you feel like you're trying so hard...for nothing, perhaps it is that these issues are actually necessary for you to go through as there might be something valuable for you to learn before you are really ready to change your workplace. Given that it seems to be - at least in part - Saturn 'causing' these problems - as you know, Saturn is the astrological (frustrating) "go slow" until he considers we're really ready to move forward, strict Old Man of the zodiac. And it's only after he's satisfied that we've learned whatever it is we really need to learn from a particular situation, that he then and actually, allows us to move forward, and 'rewards' us with success. :cry:

So, perhaps in this current work situation you are learning 'patience', especially given that Saturn is retrograde in Aries in your Natal chart (and conjunct your SN in the 8th).

I realise how complex this has now become so, as I mentioned before, if you do some research on this nodal matter and would like to continue about it here, please do so and I'll try to untangle it further.

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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by leo_virgo »

Hi admin,

Thank you for detailed explanation of what's going on. It is complex, but it makes sense.
I will surely research more for Nodal axis.
My Saturn for whole my life is trying to teach me to be patient - sometimes I am good student, sometimes I had enough :D anyway, something I need to work on.
Hopefully topic about residence/inheritance will come to fruition this/next year.

Thanks again for your time and knowledge. :)
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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by leo_virgo »

Researched about Nodes reversal and Saturn return - I better not :lol:
Hopefully something extreme won't happen.
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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by admin »

Hi leo_virgo,

Don't fret !

Quite often we can tend to favour one end of the axis over the other which creates an imbalance, when in fact it would be best (if possible) to do what this nodal axis reversal gives us the opportunity to do, and that is to bring the past (SN) and future (NN) together, enabling one to see how to use (the best of) one's skills learned early in our lives, into our developing qualities or "future path".

SN in Aries learns how to be independent and 'go one's own way' (and all the other qualities of Aries, of course).
NN in Libra learns diplomacy and balance. Mars rules your SN and squares both Nodes, creating a battle between the 2.
Venus ruling your NN, (in wide conjunction with Mars, but in an air Sign - same as, and ruling, your NN) is about knowing when, and how much of yourself, to give to others.

There is much more to this as you have Saturn conjunct SN, and Chiron conjunct your NN, but this is too much to discuss here.

The "Saturn Return" (in 2026) is nothing to fear. I'm not saying that it will easy but the beauty of it is that, after we've gone through that period, we really do become "Who we really are" as individuals. Anyway, there's heaps written on this. (In my opinion, Liz Greene's "A New Look At An Old Devil" is surely one of the best I've read on this matter).

Anyway, seems then that during this Nodal reversal, this whole matter of finding a balance between giving way to others and/or going your own way regardless, comes to the fore.

Hope that helps.

"Don't let the illusions of your past or future rob you of the infiniteness of your present." [Unknown]
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Re: Solar return 2024/2025

Post by leo_virgo »

Hi admin,

Thanks, that explanation helps a lot!
Wish you the best.

Till next time :D
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