How do you solve t squares?

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How do you solve t squares?

Post by Jsociasp »

Hi everyone!!
How do you solve t squares? . I’ve read that imagine the missing leg could help. I have three t squares in the same three houses 2nd, 8th and 11th. Happy day !!
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Noel Eastwood
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Re: How do you solve t squares?

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Jso, I like to see the T-square pattern as like a balance beam, put too much on one side and it tips over. The focal planet or planets is on square side. The focal planet has the role of keeping the two planets in opposition in balance. So it is like the focal planet will tend to sacrifice its own needs to keep the balance of the opposition.

In the pattern below the focal planet is Uranus and it is his role to keep Pluto and Juiter in balance. In doing so Uranus cannot fully exhibit his personality in the person's chart.
t-square-.gif (11.96 KiB) Viewed 9884 times
If you attach your chart I can explain a bit better using your chart as an example because this is a very important and reasonably common planetary pattern.
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Re: How do you solve t squares?

Post by anadybella »

Hey, Noel it's really a great help by you. Thank you so much.
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Re: How do you solve t squares?

Post by Zeina »

Noel Eastwood wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:48 pm In the pattern below the focal planet is Uranus and it is his role to keep Pluto and Juiter in balance. In doing so Uranus cannot fully exhibit his personality in the person's chart.

What if the focal point has other aspects to different planets than in the T-square, would that aid the planet's expression?

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Re: How do you solve t squares?

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Yes, it certainly would, the focal planet of the T-square could be part of a Mystic Rectangle as well, or be connected to other planets by trines or conjunction. In these cases, one must examine the planetary patterns and then synthesise the whole of the chart working backwards from pattern to pattern and then planet by planet. One aspect or planet or sign does not explain the whole person, just snippets of their personality. Even then it must be taken in the context of the person's life experiences. It sure gets complicated, doesn't it :)

This is why astrology takes more than reading a book or an online article.
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Re: How do you solve t squares?

Post by bababhuvaneshus »

Yes, Understanding the problem type (algebraic, geometric, etc.) is the first step in solving T-squares. For arithmetical issues, use conditions to track down questions. For mathematical T-squares, apply the Pythagorean hypothesis or direction calculation. Continuously look at arrangements by subbing them back into the first conditions or conditions to guarantee rightness.
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Re: How do you solve t squares?

Post by natalya2210 »

I would like to add about the T-squares... Opposition is the conflict between two planets. In the example above - between Jupiter and Pluto. These particular planets in any aspect give social drive... to succeed... to want more. This tension discharges on to Uranus. It means that Uranus is our tool to get that success, but using the Uranus way, not like everybody else, spontaneous, innovative. Of course, we have to analyze what house Uranius rules as well.
But, the performance of the focal planet does depend on what sign it is in, what house. The strong planet (example Sun in Leo or Mars in Capricorn) will go and do it, meanwhile the "weak" planet might not be able to handle the pressure...
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