For those who wish to pursue new theories based on the Old Wisdom and who wish to look more deeply into our vastly changing world from a different perspective.
Grand syzygys, or when all of the major planets, the Luminaries, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are close together in the sky, are rare enough. But having that occur during a total solar eclipse is unbelievable.
In 241 BC, on June 3rd, there was a grand syzygy with a width of 69° during a total solar eclipse, very similar to the one we just had. However no one was around to observe it as it took place in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
There was another one in 64 BC, on May 28th, with a width of about 78°. This was seen by many throughout Europe. Shortly thereafter Pompey makes Syria a Roman province, ending Seleucid rule, which had been established after the death of Alexander the Great. The next year he conquers Palestine. Julius Caesar is elected Pontifex Maximus. A couple of years later Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar form a triumvirate.
We had to wait for almost two millennia before we had a grand syzygy with a width of less than 90° during a total solar eclipse; on December 21st, 1843. This could best be seen in southern India.
So the one we just had was very rare, indeed. However there shall be another on March 8th, 2342, with a width of 64°.