Transits are the most obvious and immediately evident way in which astrological influences can be shown to continue beyond the natal horoscope. They are a rich and complex means of exploring and suggesting ongoing opportunities for personal/psychological development within, not only an individual, but also within Families, and Countries.
I just turned 28 and had a look at my Solar return for this New year.
I Saw that I had 3 planets in my 7th including Moon/Neptune in close conjunction
And also saturn
What do you think about it ?
Besides, jupiter is currently transiting my 7th house, in conjunction of my natal venus/mars (venus in gemini is ruling my 7th, mars my 5th)
I have to Say that I Hope to meet someone who will genuinely love me and treat me as I think i deserve, cause i did a huge work on myself last year and quit a relationship that was awful. I won't let anyone try to do that to me again... And I'm afraid to be "illusioned" or "deceived" with this Neptune in my 7th
Can you help me ? Thanks you a lot
(28 june 1996, 5:25 pm, in France, Nanterre)
Yes, Neptune (conj. Moon) in, and ruling, the 7th can be easily disillusioned, especially as this position can also indicate setting your sights very high, even too high for anyone to live up to. Not that that's a particularly 'bad' thing, especially in a Solar Return - and given your last relationship experience.
Saturn there is also helping you to keep your head and to be more cautious, especially given (as you have noted) that it rules the SR 5th and that transiting Jupiter is currently conjunct your Natal Mars/Venus. This of course can throw caution to the wind at times, but this too can help you to widen and understand more your own values (Jupiter ruling Natal 2nd), and therefore what you value in a relationship (entering SR 8th).
In other words, you're growing more in understanding with regard to what relationships really mean to, and for you in this current SR; and in fact, with Saturn there (and coming back to the square with your Natal Venus/Mars in Oct.-Dec. this year), you will understand this more completely.
What this means is that - yes - you may 'fall madly in love' again during this period, but there may be a period, especially towards the end of the year (as indicated) where you really do know what a relationship actually means to and for you.
I note that transiting Pluto is conjunct your Progressed Uranus (in the Prog. 2nd) trine your Progressed 7th House cusp currently (and for a few years). This is very potently adding to the whole matter of Self-value and is shifting your view about those values quite radically. Obviously this is a big plus, despite the inner upheaval you had and are having whilst experiencing your previous relationship and its ending.
So, perhaps with that Moon/Neptune you will fall in love again during this year, and it may seem not to go the way you would hope. However, next year it will change; next year whoever this person may be, may return ...or, it may be that someone new and more relevant to who you have become at that time, will appear.
Hope this helps, and if you have any further questions about this, please do ask and I'll try to assist.
"Don't let the illusions of your past or future rob you of the infiniteness of your present." [Unknown]
Thank you so much for your help and your answer, it reasonates a lot with me and it really helps me to just go with the flow and stop controlling what might happen or not
And I admit that I agree with you based on my previous experiences.
My last relationship, I left him and never want to deal with him ever. WE had nothing to do together in the first place. And that's why I've learnt (and I still am learning) what I want, what are my red flags and my non-negotiables since I went in therapy (that was challenging!!!)
But I feel that I am finally putting an end to every relationship patterns i've experienced so far (for about 10 years) and I am aware of my worth and of what I deserve
2 months ago, I "dated" a Guy I work with I liked very much. He "wasn't ready for commitment".... I put an end to this instead of accepting breadcrumbs and that's a New thing for me of which I'm proud!!! So I completely agree with everything that you wrote and honestly, I wouldn't have been able to find out on my own
I'm french so I Hope my english was not too Bad
Have a nice day