Will we get along in person?

Electional astrology is utilized in choosing the most appropriate time to begin something. The intent is to achieve a successful outcome, and the rules applied are very specifically set toward that end.
An Horary chart is used to answer a question about a particular matter or issue and is set up for the time the question comes to mind or is asked.
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Will we get along in person?

Post by Kimmyness »


I’ll be visiting NY in late September for 5 days with my daughter. This is a first time visit for me, my daughter has visited in the past and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time but never got around to doing. The past few years have been pretty heavy emotionally with the death of my mother and brother happening in 2021/2022, the break up of my13-14 yr relationship, finding out about my heart issues and the death of my daughters childhood dog in Feb, I just felt like I needed to get out of the area for a little while, try to have some fun. I’ll be meeting a former coworker that worked at my company for two years before leaving last July, he lives on Long Island. This will be our first in person meeting in the almost 3 yrs we’ve known each other. I’m wondering if we’ll get along in person?
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Re: Will we get along in person?

Post by admin »

Hi Kimmyness,

Unfortunately we no longer have a resident or regular Horary specialist here.
However, although I don't specialise in this field, I do know that when the Moon is "void-of-course" - as it is in this chart - (i.e. when it makes no aspect before it leaves the Sign it is in), then the question is not valid, or the situation may change prior to the event.

Is this relevant to the last person you asked about previously ?
If so, let me know by pm and I'll look at it from a transit point of view to both charts.

"Don't let the illusions of your past or future rob you of the infiniteness of your present." [Unknown]
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