Tarot Reading Request

For those who require Tarot readings or information on this subject.

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Tarot Reading Request

Post by sara009 »

Dear Noel, I want a reading from you. In past I got reading here and it was accurate. I got married to a foreigner. I want to move with him. But his family is interfering and controlling. It is third party involvement situation. How do you see my married life in upcoming year. Another thing is that I am pregnant now.
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Noel Eastwood
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Re: Tarot Reading Request

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Hi Sara, that is a shitty situation for you. I had to think of a reading spread that fitted, I hope this helps.

!. What is the issue about?
7 of Cups - it is about fantasy and fiction, lies and deception. Even you don't know what is going on.

2. What is the focus of the issue?
Four of Swords - forgiveness, it seeks silence and solitude for you to forgive yourself, your failings, not his.

3. What does it do to me?
12 Hanged Man - it jumbles you up, it wants you to look at the situation in another light, from a different perspective. This deserves some attention and processing to better understand it.

4. What is the underlying issue?
9 Cups - someone has a fixed image in their mind and wants your situation to follow exactly the same path that they had taken.

5. What drives the issue?
6 of Swords - it seems that the person driving the issue wants to run towards or away from something. Again, this requires you to process this to come up with the direction - towards or away.

6. What/who upholds the issue?
Page of Cups - this is a tough one and can be read two ways. One way it that the answer to this is coming to you shortly, or that the person responsible is very young and enthusiastic but is things it too far.

7. What is the possible outcome of the issue?
The Fool - whatever happens this is an important card saying that you will feel relief and a burden is lifted from you.

An awkward reading that places the burden on you to process, contemplate and come up with the answers. It seems that those who answered this question want more from you personally, your insight and input is needed.

I have some questions for you: how old are you? Is this your first child? How many times has he been married? Thank you.
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Re: Tarot Reading Request

Post by sara009 »

Thanks for your response. I am 35 yr old. Yes I am expecting with first child, and I am his third wife. In past he divorced two ladies.
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Re: Tarot Reading Request

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Does he have any children from previous relationships?
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Re: Tarot Reading Request

Post by sara009 »

No he don't have any child from previous marriages.
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