Explain the event pls

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Explain the event pls

Post by Padmavathi »


Can someone explain the event why it happened that day and time?? U can use this for research purpose too.

Birth details:
9th october 1974
12:50pm, punarvasu

Please focus on event happened on jan 25th approximately 5pm(happened for sure in between 4:58 and 5:00pm)

Place of the event:norman, oklahoma
in case if someone wants to see the transits.

I understand that going thru 6th lord dasa and 6th lord in 8th lord nakshatra and 6th lord debalitated, but why that particular date and time. Thank you
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:31 am

Re: Explain the event pls

Post by Jatin9 »

6th and 11th lord venus in d1
lagna lord in 8th house venus in d9

something related to obstacle and gain or debt or social circle like fight in friends and friends circle group .. with me ketu so through siblings i
will make a transition in personailtiy, lagna like change of dressing style or frustration with clothes. 4th lord also in 8th so change of society or residenatial area end so that new can start.

natural houses 2nd hosue and 7th hosue
capricon and mercury saturn moon
so family, money and husband so related to status , money , family changes through husband

in d9 something new has started in relationship which has changed family with support of frined circle or
or new thing started in busines which has chnaged savings so that u can make profit
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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:31 am

Re: Explain the event pls

Post by Jatin9 »

probably u would taka det to become part of one large group

1. use of fathers money in supporting someine in friend circle
2. loss to husband and house through stocks
3. end of homeland stay and kids to foreing country
which has make you spiritual or occultist
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