Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Moderators: Noel Eastwood, James Strom
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Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Day rulership
Longitude Sign Planet Element
000-360º Zodiac Night 🝯 Hydrogen 🝯
000-360º Zodiac Day 🜚 Helium 🜚
000-360º Zodiac Earth ⊕ Tellerium ⊕ & Nitrogen 🜹
00-30ºAri Aries Pluto 🝁 Radon
00-05ºAri Cepheus Orcus 🜍 Sulfur 🜍
05-10ºAri Phoenix Orcus 🜍 Fermium 🜏
10-15ºAri Cassiopeia Vanth 🜍Ⅰ Germanium ♃Ⅵ & Hassium 🜍Ⅰ
15-20ºAri Reticulum Pluto 🝁 Platinum 🝁
20-25ºAri Triangulum Pluto 🝁 Plutonium ♇
25-30ºAri Fornax Charon 🝁Ⅰ Technetium 🝁Ⅰ & Curium ♇Ⅰ
00-30ºTau Taurus Ops 🜕 Astatine
00-05ºTau Perseus Salacia 🜔 Silicon 🜔
05-10ºTau Horologium Salacia 🜔 Mendelevium □
10-15ºTau Lepus Actaea 🜔Ⅰ Scandium ♆Ⅱ & Meitnerium 🜔Ⅰ
15-20ºTau Caelum Ops 🜕 Zinc 🜕
20-25ºTau Orion Ops 🜕 Berkelium 🝍
25-30ºTau Pictor Consus 🜕Ⅰ Thallium ♂Ⅱ & Lawrencium 🜕Ⅰ
00-30ºGem Gemini Hercules 🜣 Oganesson
00-05ºGem Auriga Aesculapius 🜺 Arsenic 🜺
05-10ºGem Columba Aesculapius 🜺 Einsteinium ☤
10-15ºGem Canis Major Panacea 🜺Ⅰ Polonium ♃Ⅶ & Darmstadium 🜺Ⅰ
15-20ºGem Camelopard Hercules 🜣 Nickel 🜣
20-25ºGem Canis Minor Hercules 🜣 Californium 🜥
25-30ºGem Monoceros Iolaus 🜣Ⅰ Hafnium ♆Ⅶ & Livermorium 🜣Ⅰ
00-30ºCnc Cancer Libera 🜶 Tennessine
00-05ºCnc Argo* Hecate 🜘 Boron 🜘
05-10ºCnc Lynx Hecate 🜘 Nobelium 🝄
10-15ºCnc Hydra Hecabe 🜘Ⅰ Lutetium ♃Ⅷ & Copernicium 🜘Ⅰ
15-20ºCnc Pyxis Libera 🜶 Cobalt 🜶
20-25ºCnc Draco Libera 🜶 Americium 🜷
25-30ºCnc Volans Liber 🜶Ⅰ Technetium 🝁Ⅰ & Moscovium 🜶Ⅰ
00-30ºLeo Leo** Sol ☉ Neon
00-05ºLeo Ursa Minor Sol ☉ Gold ☉
05-10ºLeo Leo Minor Sol ☉ Oxygen 🜛
10-15ºLeo Ursa Major Vesta ⚶ Terbium ⚶
15-20ºLeo Sextans Iris ⑦ Samarium 🜳
20-25ºLeo Crater Hebe ⑥ Holmium 🜟
25-30ºLeo Antlia Fortuna ⑲ Neodymium 🜱
00-30ºVir Virgo Mercury ☿ Fluorine
00-05ºVir Corvus Mercury ☿ Mercury ☿
05-10ºVir Canes V. Mercury ☿ Carbon ⬦
10-15ºVir Bootes Amphitrite Ⓐ Neodymium 🜱
15-20ºVir Musca Eunomia ⑮ Ytterbium ⚖
20-25ºVir Centaurus*** Juno ⚵ Erbium ⚵
25-30ºVir Mensa Ceres ⚳ Cerium ⚳
00-30ºLib Libra Venus ♀ Argon
00-05ºLib Corona B. Venus ♀ Copper ♀
05-10ºLib Circinus Venus ♀ Phosphorus 🜎
10-15ºLib Lupus Thisbe Ⓣ Thulium ⚘
15-20ºLib Norma Pallas ⚴ Lanthanum ⚴
20-25ºLib Hercules Herculina Ⓗ Dysprosium ☆
25-30ºLib Apus Psyche ⑯ Holmium 🜟
00-30ºSco Scorpio Mars ♂ Chlorine
00-05ºSco Ara Mars ♂ Iron ♂
05-10ºSco Chamaeleon Mars ♂ Actinium 🜝
10-15ºSco Serpens Phobos ♂Ⅰ & Interamnia Ⓘ Indium ♂Ⅰ & Promethium 🝊
15-20ºSco Triangulum A. Deimos ♂Ⅱ & Europa Ⓤ Thallium ♂Ⅱ & Europium 🜴
20-25ºSco Ophiuchus Hygiea ⚕ Praseodymium ⚕
25-30ºSco Octans Davida Ⓓ Gadolinium 🜰
00-30ºSgr Sagittarius Jupiter ♃ Krypton
00-05ºSgr Corona A. Jupiter ♃ Tin ♃
05-10ºSgr Telescopium Jupiter ♃ Thorium 🜩
10-15ºSgr Sagitta Io ♃Ⅰ Zirconium ♃Ⅰ
15-20ºSgr Scutum Europa ♃Ⅱ Tungsten ♃Ⅱ
20-25ºSgr Aquila Ganymede ♃Ⅲ Molybdenum ♃Ⅲ
25-30ºSgr Pavo Callisto ♃Ⅳ Manganese ♃Ⅳ
00-30ºCap Capricorn Saturn ♄ Bromine
00-05ºCap Lyra Saturn ♄ Lead ♄
05-10ºCap Indus Saturn ♄ Protactinium 🜪
10-15ºCap Delphinus Mimas ♄Ⅰ & Enceladus ♄Ⅱ Osmium ♄Ⅰ & Iridium ♄Ⅱ
15-20ºCap Vulpecula Tethys ♄Ⅲ & Dione ♄Ⅳ Tantalum ♄Ⅲ & Niobium ♄Ⅳ
20-25ºCap Equuleus Rhea ♄Ⅴ & Titan ♄Ⅵ Chromium ♄Ⅴ & Titanium ♄Ⅵ
25-30ºCap Microscope Hyperion ♄Ⅶ & Iapetus ♄Ⅷ Aluminum ♄Ⅶ & Yttrium ♄Ⅷ
00-30ºAqr Aquarius Uranus ⛢ Xenon
00-05ºAqr Piscis A. Uranus ⛢ Antinomy ⛢
05-10ºAqr Tucana Uranus ⛢ Uranium ♅
10-15ºAqr Cygnus Ariel ⛢Ⅰ Ruthenium ⛢Ⅰ
15-20ºAqr Grus Umbriel ⛢Ⅱ Vanadium ⛢Ⅱ
20-25ºAqr Pegasus Titania ⛢Ⅲ Rhodium ⛢Ⅲ
25-30ºAqr Sculptor Oberon ⛢Ⅳ Palladium ⛢Ⅳ
00-30ºPsc Pisces Neptune ♆ Iodine
00-05ºPsc Eridanus Neptune ♆ Bismuth ♆
05-10ºPsc Hydrus Neptune ♆ Neptunium 🜾
10-15ºPsc Andromeda Larissa ♆Ⅶ Hafnium ♆Ⅶ
15-20ºPsc Lacerta Proteus ♆Ⅷ Rhenium ♆Ⅷ
20-25ºPsc Cetus Triton ♆Ⅰ Cadmium ♆Ⅰ
25-30ºPsc Dorado Nereid ♆Ⅱ Scandium ♆Ⅱ
* Also includes Puppis and Vela.
** Also includes Coma Berenices.
*** Also includes Crux.
Night rulership
Longitude Sign Planet Element
000-360º Zodiac Night 🝯 Hydrogen 🝯
000-360º Zodiac Day 🜚 Helium 🜚
000-360º Zodiac Earth ⊕ Tellerium ⊕ & Nitrogen 🜹
00-30ºAri Aries Mars ♂ Magnesium
00-05ºAri Cepheus Davida Ⓓ Gadolinium 🜰
05-10ºAri Phoenix Hygiea ⚕ Praseodymium ⚕
10-15ºAri Cassiopeia Deimos ♂Ⅱ & Europa Ⓤ Thallium ♂Ⅱ & Europium 🜴
15-20ºAri Reticulum Phobos ♂Ⅰ & Interamnia Ⓘ Indium ♂Ⅰ & Promethium 🝊
20-25ºAri Triangulum Mars ♂ Actinium 🜝
25-30ºAri Fornax Mars ♂ Iron ♂
00-30ºTau Taurus Venus ♀ Sodium
00-05ºTau Perseus Psyche ⑯ Holmium 🜟
05-10ºTau Horologium Herculina Ⓗ Dysprosium ☆
10-15ºTau Lepus Pallas ⚴ Lanthanum ⚴
15-20ºTau Caelum Thisbe Ⓣ Thulium ⚘
20-25ºTau Orion Venus ♀ Phosphorus 🜎
25-30ºTau Pictor Venus ♀ Copper ♀
00-30ºGem Gemini Mercury ☿ Beryllium
00-05ºGem Auriga Ceres ⚳ Cerium ⚳
05-10ºGem Columba Juno ⚵ Erbium ⚵
10-15ºGem Canis Major Eunomia ⑮ Ytterbium ⚖
15-20ºGem Camelopard Amphitrite Ⓐ Neodymium 🜱
20-25ºGem Canis Minor Mercury ☿ Carbon ⬦
25-30ºGem Monoceros Mercury ☿ Mercury ☿
00-30ºCnc Cancer Luna ☽ Lithium
00-05ºCnc Argo* Fortuna ⑲ Neodymium 🜱
05-10ºCnc Lynx Hebe ⑥ Holmium 🜟
10-15ºCnc Hydra Iris ⑦ Samarium 🜳
15-20ºCnc Pyxis Vesta ⚶ Terbium ⚶
20-25ºCnc Draco Luna ☽ Selenium ☾
25-30ºCnc Volans Luna ☽ Silver ☽
00-30ºLeo Leo** Libera 🜶 Radium
00-05ºLeo Ursa Minor Liber 🜶Ⅰ Technetium 🝁Ⅰ & Moscovium 🜶Ⅰ
05-10ºLeo Leo Minor Libera 🜶 Americium 🜷
10-15ºLeo Ursa Major Libera 🜶 Cobalt 🜶
15-20ºLeo Sextans Hecabe 🜘Ⅰ Lutetium ♃Ⅷ & Copernicium 🜘Ⅰ
20-25ºLeo Crater Hecate 🜘 Nobelium 🝄
25-30ºLeo Antlia Hecate 🜘 Boron 🜘
00-30ºVir Virgo Hercules 🜣 Francium
00-05ºVir Corvus Iolaus 🜣Ⅰ Hafnium ♆Ⅶ & Livermorium 🜣Ⅰ
05-10ºVir Canes V. Hercules 🜣 Californium 🜥
10-15ºVir Bootes Hercules 🜣 Nickel 🜣
15-20ºVir Musca Panacea 🜺Ⅰ Polonium ♃Ⅶ & Darmstadium 🜺Ⅰ
20-25ºVir Centaurus*** Aesculapius 🜺 Einsteinium ☤
25-30ºVir Mensa Aesculapius 🜺 Arsenic 🜺
00-30ºLib Libra Ops 🜕 Barium
00-05ºLib Corona B. Consus 🜕Ⅰ Thallium ♂Ⅱ & Lawrencium 🜕Ⅰ
05-10ºLib Circinus Ops 🜕 Berkelium 🝍
10-15ºLib Lupus Ops 🜕 Zinc 🜕
15-20ºLib Norma Actaea 🜔Ⅰ Scandium ♆Ⅱ & Meitnerium 🜔Ⅰ
20-25ºLib Hercules Salacia 🜔 Mendelevium □
25-30ºLib Apus Salacia 🜔 Silicon 🜔
00-30ºSco Scorpio Pluto 🝁 Cesmium
00-05ºSco Ara Charon 🝁Ⅰ Technetium 🝁Ⅰ & Curium ♇Ⅰ
05-10ºSco Chamaeleon Pluto 🝁 Plutonium ♇
10-15ºSco Serpens Pluto 🝁 Platinum 🝁
15-20ºSco Triangulum A. Vanth 🜍Ⅰ Germanium ♃Ⅵ & Hassium 🜍Ⅰ
20-25ºSco Ophiuchus Orcus 🜍 Fermium 🜏
25-30ºSco Octans Orcus 🜍 Sulfur 🜍
00-30ºSgr Sagittarius Neptune ♆ Strontium
00-05ºSgr Corona A. Nereid ♆Ⅱ Scandium ♆Ⅱ
05-10ºSgr Telescopium Triton ♆Ⅰ Cadmium ♆Ⅰ
10-15ºSgr Sagitta Proteus ♆Ⅷ Rhenium ♆Ⅷ
15-20ºSgr Scutum Larissa ♆Ⅶ Hafnium ♆Ⅶ
20-25ºSgr Aquila Neptune ♆ Neptunium 🜾
25-30ºSgr Pavo Neptune ♆ Bismuth ♆
00-30ºCap Capricorn Uranus ⛢ Rubidium
00-05ºCap Lyra Oberon ⛢Ⅳ Palladium ⛢Ⅳ
05-10ºCap Indus Titania ⛢Ⅲ Rhodium ⛢Ⅲ
10-15ºCap Delphinus Umbriel ⛢Ⅱ Vanadium ⛢Ⅱ
15-20ºCap Vulpecula Ariel ⛢Ⅰ Ruthenium ⛢Ⅰ
20-25ºCap Equuleus Uranus ⛢ Uranium ♅
25-30ºCap Microscope Uranus ⛢ Antinomy ⛢
00-30ºAqr Aquarius Saturn ♄ Calcium
00-05ºAqr Piscis A. Hyperion ♄Ⅶ & Iapetus ♄Ⅷ Aluminum ♄Ⅶ & Yttrium ♄Ⅷ
05-10ºAqr Tucana Rhea ♄Ⅴ & Titan ♄Ⅵ Chromium ♄Ⅴ & Titanium ♄Ⅵ
10-15ºAqr Cygnus Tethys ♄Ⅲ & Dione ♄Ⅳ Tantalum ♄Ⅲ & Niobium ♄Ⅳ
15-20ºAqr Grus Mimas ♄Ⅰ & Enceladus ♄Ⅱ Osmium ♄Ⅰ & Iridium ♄Ⅱ
20-25ºAqr Pegasus Saturn ♄ Protactinium 🜪
25-30ºAqr Sculptor Saturn ♄ Lead ♄
00-30ºPsc Pisces Jupiter ♃ Potassium
00-05ºPsc Eridanus Callisto ♃Ⅳ Manganese ♃Ⅳ
05-10ºPsc Hydrus Ganymede ♃Ⅲ Molybdenum ♃Ⅲ
10-15ºPsc Andromeda Europa ♃Ⅱ Tungsten ♃Ⅱ
15-20ºPsc Lacerta Io ♃Ⅰ Zirconium ♃Ⅰ
20-25ºPsc Cetus Jupiter ♃ Thorium 🜩
25-30ºPsc Dorado Jupiter ♃ Tin ♃
* Also includes Puppis and Vela.
** Also includes Coma Berenices.
*** Also includes Crux.
00-05º Tetragon □
05-10º Trigon ▽
10-15º Hexagon ⬡
15-20º Tetragon □
20-25º Trigon △
25-30º Hexagon ⬡
Platonic solid
00-01º Hexahedron
01-02º Icosahedron
02-03º Octahedron
03-04º Tetrahedron
04-05º Dodecahedron
05-06º Hexahedron
06-07º Icosahedron
07-08º Octahedron
08-09º Tetrahedron
09-10º Dodecahedron
10-11º Hexahedron
11-12º Icosahedron
12-13º Octahedron
13-14º Tetrahedron
14-15º Dodecahedron
15-16º Hexahedron
16-17º Icosahedron
17-18º Octahedron
18-19º Tetrahedron
19-20º Dodecahedron
20-21º Hexahedron
21-22º Icosahedron
22-23º Octahedron
23-24º Tetrahedron
24-25º Dodecahedron
25-26º Hexahedron
26-27º Icosahedron
27-28º Octahedron
28-29º Tetrahedron
29-30º Dodecahedron
- Noel Eastwood
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Hi James, that's quite an amazing post you have here. How does one use it?
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
For example, Bilbo was born in the Shire on September 22nd, 2890 of the Third Age. This works out to October 16th, 4631 B.C. in the proleptic Julian calendar (or September 9th in the Gregorian). The Sun was in 18° Virgo then. Referencing the above tables we can see that his quintan constellation was Musca. Therefore his planet was the asteroid Eunomia and his metal Ytterbium.
Now try it with the actors Ian Holm and Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo in the movies.
Now try it with the actors Ian Holm and Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo in the movies.
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Bilbo Baggins
Born: Sunday, September 9, 4631 B.C., 6 P.M.
In: Oxford, U.K.
Sun: 18ºVir45'
Moon: 11ºGem53'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 18º
Solid: Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
Ian Holm
Born: Saturday, September 12, 1931, 2:00 AM
In: Ilford, U.K.
Sun: 18ºVir19'
Moon: 16ºVir17'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 18º
Solid: Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
Born: Sunday, September 9, 4631 B.C., 6 P.M.
In: Oxford, U.K.
Sun: 18ºVir45'
Moon: 11ºGem53'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 18º
Solid: Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
Ian Holm
Born: Saturday, September 12, 1931, 2:00 AM
In: Ilford, U.K.
Sun: 18ºVir19'
Moon: 16ºVir17'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 18º
Solid: Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Liv Tyler
Born: Friday, July 1, 1977, 6:08 A.M.
In: Portland, Maine, U.S.A.
Sun: 9ºCnc27'
Moon: 13ºCap24'
Sign: Cancer
Quality: Cardinal 🜍
Colour: Green
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Water 🜄
Planet: Libera 🜶/Luna ☽
Substance: Tennessine/Lithium
Decan: Argo
Number: 1
Modality: Kinetic
Quintan: Lynx
Tile: Trigon (triangle) ▽
Planet: Hecate 🜘/Hebe ⑥
Metal: Nobelium 🝄/Holmium 🜟
Degree: 9º
Solid: Dodecahedron (12 sided die)
Essence: Quinary (quintessence)
Liv Tyler played Arwen, the elven "Noble Maiden" in The Lord of the Rings movies. Her day planet is Hecate, better known as Varda, who was the Queen of the Stars in Tolkien's mythology! Her night planet is Hebe, the Goddess of Youth, who was often called "Gladdening Princess"!
Does anyone have any requests?
Born: Friday, July 1, 1977, 6:08 A.M.
In: Portland, Maine, U.S.A.
Sun: 9ºCnc27'
Moon: 13ºCap24'
Sign: Cancer
Quality: Cardinal 🜍
Colour: Green
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Water 🜄
Planet: Libera 🜶/Luna ☽
Substance: Tennessine/Lithium
Decan: Argo
Number: 1
Modality: Kinetic
Quintan: Lynx
Tile: Trigon (triangle) ▽
Planet: Hecate 🜘/Hebe ⑥
Metal: Nobelium 🝄/Holmium 🜟
Degree: 9º
Solid: Dodecahedron (12 sided die)
Essence: Quinary (quintessence)
Liv Tyler played Arwen, the elven "Noble Maiden" in The Lord of the Rings movies. Her day planet is Hecate, better known as Varda, who was the Queen of the Stars in Tolkien's mythology! Her night planet is Hebe, the Goddess of Youth, who was often called "Gladdening Princess"!
Does anyone have any requests?
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Each of the 36 faces of the decans has been given many different names over the centuries by many astrologers. But what if there was a reason Ptolemy listed 48 constellations? Could the 36 not in the zodiac be meant for the decans?
Canis Major
Canis Minor
Ursa Minor
Ursa Major
Corona B.
Corona A.
Piscis A.
A decan can be divided into two quintans. The first can be named after the decan and the second after a modern constellation. This, then covers the entire sky.
Canis Major
Canis Minor
Ursa Minor
Leo Minor
Ursa Major
Canes V.
Corona B.
Triangulum A.
Corona A.
Piscis A.
A sign's colour is a function of its polarity and quality.
Positive and cardinal = red.
Negative and fixed = orange.
Positive and mutable = yellow.
Negative and cardinal = green.
Positive and fixed = blue.
Negative and mutable = violet.
An easy way to remember this is to note that the brightest stars in Aries and Taurus, Hamal and Aldebaran, are orangish red giants. Pollux in Gemini is a yellow giant. Leo's royal Regulus is blue-white while Spica in Virgo is so hot that it might be described as violet-white.
There seems to be two usual ways of numbering the decans; starting at the original position at 0º of Cancer or a more tropical version at 0º of Aries. Both yield numbers from 1 to 36. In a dream I realized that the numbers would be the same if they were reduced using the Pythagorean method of numerology.
What is most interesting is that when you look at the three numbers associated with each of the various planets that rule each decan one of them is the traditional number that is identified with that planet. The odds of that are astronomical.
The triplicity method makes the first decan of a sign the same as what we would expect for it. However, the second decan seems to be influenced by the next sign of the same element and the third the next one after that. Thus the first decan of Aries has the element fire and is cardinal. The second decan, however, seems to be affected by Leo, so its ruling planet is the Sun and, while still fiery, has a more fixed quality. The third decan has a Sagittarian character and so it tends towards being mutable.
We can give each kind of modality its own unique name.
1 Kinetic Cardinal
2 Imaginary Cardinal & Fixed
3 Jovial Cardinal & Mutable
4 Existent Fixed
5 Quick Fixed & Mutable
6 Living Fixed & Cardinal
7 Unstable Mutable
8 Temporal Mutable & Cardinal
9 Stable Mutable & Fixed
Aristotle described each of the elements as having two of four conditions. Perhaps these can be included as well.
A Air
B Blue
C Cold
D Dry
E Earth
F Fire
G Green
H Hot
I Imaginary
J Jovial
K Kinetic
L Living
M Moist
N Negative
O Orange
P Positive
Q Quick
R Red
S Stable
T Temporal
U Unstable
V Violet
W Water
X Existent
Y Yellow
Z Zodiac
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Bilbo Baggins
Born: Sunday, September 9, 4631 B.C., 6 P.M.
In: Oxford, U.K.
Sun: 18ºVir45'
Moon: 11ºGem53'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 18º
Solid: Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
Martin Freeman
Born: Wednesday, September 8, 1971
In: Aldershot, U.K.
Sun: 15ºVir08'
Moon: 1ºTau28'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 15º
Solid: Hexahedron (cube)
Essence: Primary
Cate Blanchett
Born: Wednesday, May 14, 1969, 6:40 AM
In: Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)
Sun: 22ºTau53'
Moon: 24ºAri20'
Sign: Taurus
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Substance: Astatine/Sodium
Decan: Orion
Number: 6
Modality: Living
Quintan: Orion
Tile: Trigon (Triangle) △
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Metal: Berkelium 🝍/Phosphorus 🜎
Degree: 22º
Solid: Octahedron (8 sided die)
Essence: Tertiary
Cate Blanchett played Galadriel, the elven "Lady of Lorien" in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies. Her day planet is Ops, who was the former Queen of the Gods in Roman mythology. Her night planet is Venus, called Earendil's Star by the elves. Both were thought of as personifications of Mother Nature.
https://www.thetolkienforum.com/threads ... otice_id=3
Does anyone have any requests?
Born: Sunday, September 9, 4631 B.C., 6 P.M.
In: Oxford, U.K.
Sun: 18ºVir45'
Moon: 11ºGem53'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 18º
Solid: Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
Martin Freeman
Born: Wednesday, September 8, 1971
In: Aldershot, U.K.
Sun: 15ºVir08'
Moon: 1ºTau28'
Sign: Virgo
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Violet
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Mercury ☿/Hercules 🜣
Substance: Fluorine/Francium
Decan: Bootes
Number: 8
Modality: Temporal
Quintan: Musca
Tile: Tetragon (square) □
Planet: Eunomia ⑮/Panacaea 🜺Ⅰ
Metal: Ytterbium ⚖/Polonium ♃Ⅶ
Degree: 15º
Solid: Hexahedron (cube)
Essence: Primary
Cate Blanchett
Born: Wednesday, May 14, 1969, 6:40 AM
In: Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)
Sun: 22ºTau53'
Moon: 24ºAri20'
Sign: Taurus
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Substance: Astatine/Sodium
Decan: Orion
Number: 6
Modality: Living
Quintan: Orion
Tile: Trigon (Triangle) △
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Metal: Berkelium 🝍/Phosphorus 🜎
Degree: 22º
Solid: Octahedron (8 sided die)
Essence: Tertiary
Cate Blanchett played Galadriel, the elven "Lady of Lorien" in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies. Her day planet is Ops, who was the former Queen of the Gods in Roman mythology. Her night planet is Venus, called Earendil's Star by the elves. Both were thought of as personifications of Mother Nature.
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Does anyone have any requests?
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
It is known that J.R.R. Tolkien used the moon phases of 1941/42 for his descriptions of Luna in The Lord of the Rings. When the dates are aligned it becomes apparent that in Shire Reckoning 1 and 2 Yule are Christmas Eve and Day. Not only that, but June 24th is Midsummer's Day!Anyway by mid-winter Gandalf and Bilbo
had come all the way back, along both edges of the Forest, to the doors of Beorn's house; and there for a while they both stayed. Yule-tide was warm and merry there; and men came from far and wide to feast at Beorn's bidding.
The Hobbit.
Happy Yule-tide!
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
When I found out that Agnetha Fältskog was interested in astrology I just had to make a chart for her and her bandmates. They are at least part Elvish, I'm pretty sure.
Agnetha Fältskog
Born: Wednesday, April 5, 1950, 12:35 PM.
In: Jönköping, Sweden.
Sun: 15ºAri07'
Moon: 21ºSco56'
Sign: Aries
Quality: Cardinal 🜍
Colour: Red
Polarity: Positive +
Element: Fire 🜂
Planet: Pluto 🝁/Mars ♂
Substance: Radon/Magnesium
Decan: Cassiopeia
Number: 2
Modality: Imaginary
Quintan: Reticulum
Tile: Tetragon (Square) □
Planet: Pluto 🝁/Phobos ♂Ⅰ
Metal: Platinum 🝁/Indium ♂Ⅰ
Degree: 15º
Solid: Hexahedron (Cube)
Essence: Primary
Björn Ulvaeus
Born: Wednesday, April 25, 1945.
In: Gothenburg, Sweden.
Sun: 4ºTau52'
Moon: 13ºLib14'
Sign: Taurus
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Substance: Astatine/Sodium
Decan: Perseus
Number: 1
Modality: Kinetic
Quintan: Perseus
Tile: Tetragon (Square) □
Planet: Salacia 🜔/Psyche ⑯
Metal: Silicon 🜔/Holmium 🜟
Degree: 4º
Solid: Dodecahedron (12 sided die)
Essence: Quinary (Quintessence)
Benny Andersson
Born: Monday, December 16, 1946.
In: Stockholm, Sweden.
Sun: 23ºSgr54'
Moon: 5ºLib48'
Sign: Sagittarius
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Yellow
Polarity: Positive +
Element: Fire 🜂
Planet: Jupiter ♃/Neptune ♆
Substance: Krypton/Strontium
Decan: Aquila
Number: 9
Modality: Stable
Quintan: Aquila
Tile: Trigon (Triangle) △
Planet: Ganymede ♃Ⅲ/Neptune ♆
Metal: Molybdenum ♃Ⅲ/Neptunium 🜾
Degree: 23º
Solid: Tetrahedron (Pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
Anni-Frid Lyngstad
Born: Thursday, November 15, 1945, 4:00 AM.
In: Bjørkåsen, Norway.
Sun: 22ºSco24'
Moon: 19ºPsc36'
Sign: Scorpio
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Water 🜄
Planet: Mars ♂/Pluto 🝁
Substance: Chlorine/Cesmium
Decan: Ophiuchus
Number: 6
Modality: Living
Quintan: Ophiuchus
Tile: Trigon (Triangle) △
Planet: Hygiea ⚕/Orcus 🜍
Metal: Praseodymium ⚕/Fermium 🜏
Degree: 22º
Solid: Octahedron (8 sided die)
Essence: Tertiary
Agnetha Fältskog
Born: Wednesday, April 5, 1950, 12:35 PM.
In: Jönköping, Sweden.
Sun: 15ºAri07'
Moon: 21ºSco56'
Sign: Aries
Quality: Cardinal 🜍
Colour: Red
Polarity: Positive +
Element: Fire 🜂
Planet: Pluto 🝁/Mars ♂
Substance: Radon/Magnesium
Decan: Cassiopeia
Number: 2
Modality: Imaginary
Quintan: Reticulum
Tile: Tetragon (Square) □
Planet: Pluto 🝁/Phobos ♂Ⅰ
Metal: Platinum 🝁/Indium ♂Ⅰ
Degree: 15º
Solid: Hexahedron (Cube)
Essence: Primary
Björn Ulvaeus
Born: Wednesday, April 25, 1945.
In: Gothenburg, Sweden.
Sun: 4ºTau52'
Moon: 13ºLib14'
Sign: Taurus
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Substance: Astatine/Sodium
Decan: Perseus
Number: 1
Modality: Kinetic
Quintan: Perseus
Tile: Tetragon (Square) □
Planet: Salacia 🜔/Psyche ⑯
Metal: Silicon 🜔/Holmium 🜟
Degree: 4º
Solid: Dodecahedron (12 sided die)
Essence: Quinary (Quintessence)
Benny Andersson
Born: Monday, December 16, 1946.
In: Stockholm, Sweden.
Sun: 23ºSgr54'
Moon: 5ºLib48'
Sign: Sagittarius
Quality: Mutable ☿
Colour: Yellow
Polarity: Positive +
Element: Fire 🜂
Planet: Jupiter ♃/Neptune ♆
Substance: Krypton/Strontium
Decan: Aquila
Number: 9
Modality: Stable
Quintan: Aquila
Tile: Trigon (Triangle) △
Planet: Ganymede ♃Ⅲ/Neptune ♆
Metal: Molybdenum ♃Ⅲ/Neptunium 🜾
Degree: 23º
Solid: Tetrahedron (Pyramid)
Essence: Quaternary
Anni-Frid Lyngstad
Born: Thursday, November 15, 1945, 4:00 AM.
In: Bjørkåsen, Norway.
Sun: 22ºSco24'
Moon: 19ºPsc36'
Sign: Scorpio
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Water 🜄
Planet: Mars ♂/Pluto 🝁
Substance: Chlorine/Cesmium
Decan: Ophiuchus
Number: 6
Modality: Living
Quintan: Ophiuchus
Tile: Trigon (Triangle) △
Planet: Hygiea ⚕/Orcus 🜍
Metal: Praseodymium ⚕/Fermium 🜏
Degree: 22º
Solid: Octahedron (8 sided die)
Essence: Tertiary
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Re: Elvish Astrology & Alchemy
Born: Wednesday, May 17, 1961
In: Donegal (Ireland)
Sun: 26ºTau18'
Moon: 28ºGem50'
Sign: Taurus
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Substance: Astatine/Sodium
Decan: Orion
Number: 6
Modality: Living
Quintan: Pictor
Tile: Hexagon ⬡
Planet: Consus 🜕Ⅰ/Venus ♀
Metal: Thallium ♂Ⅱ/Copper ♀
Degree: 26º
Solid: Icosahedron (20 sided die)
Essence: Secondary
Enya is a Taurus, which is suitable for one who sang the song Aldebaran. The Loxian tongue, which can be heard on some of her songs, was inspired by J.R.R.Tolkien's fictional languages. She was born in the March of Maedhros, near Himring, for those of you familiar with the Silmarillion. Her day planet is Ops, who was the former Queen of the Gods in Roman mythology. Her night planet is Venus, called Earendil's Star by the elves. Both were thought of as personifications of Mother Nature.
https://www.thetolkienforum.com/threads ... otice_id=3
Born: Wednesday, May 17, 1961
In: Donegal (Ireland)
Sun: 26ºTau18'
Moon: 28ºGem50'
Sign: Taurus
Quality: Fixed 🜔
Colour: Orange
Polarity: Negative -
Element: Earth 🜃
Planet: Ops 🜕/Venus ♀
Substance: Astatine/Sodium
Decan: Orion
Number: 6
Modality: Living
Quintan: Pictor
Tile: Hexagon ⬡
Planet: Consus 🜕Ⅰ/Venus ♀
Metal: Thallium ♂Ⅱ/Copper ♀
Degree: 26º
Solid: Icosahedron (20 sided die)
Essence: Secondary
Enya is a Taurus, which is suitable for one who sang the song Aldebaran. The Loxian tongue, which can be heard on some of her songs, was inspired by J.R.R.Tolkien's fictional languages. She was born in the March of Maedhros, near Himring, for those of you familiar with the Silmarillion. Her day planet is Ops, who was the former Queen of the Gods in Roman mythology. Her night planet is Venus, called Earendil's Star by the elves. Both were thought of as personifications of Mother Nature.
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