Augustus was great because he built so much and was a great lawmaker. He was one of the few people who managed to keep peace in the Roman Empire for most of his reign. He shows, according to the ancient sources, elements of emotionality when he’s faced with family issues and the loss of prestige of the Imperium. He was forced to exile his beloved and only daughter, Julia, to an extremely barren island. He made laws to uphold traditional Roman family values to the extent of allocating monies from the treasury to married couples who had two or more children . The fact that this did not increase the Roman population may or may not be relevant to his chart. While his arch nemesis was always Cleopatra and the Egyptians, his enemy Mark Anthony was hand in glove with Cleopatra and yet, he defeated them both at the battle of Actium. Even after he had successfully accomplished this he nonetheless banned the worship of the Egyptian Goddess Isis.
Does anyone have any ideas on his chart ?