Roman Astrology

This includes matters relevant to the history of astrology, as well as the birth of Countries, Territories, States and Cities.

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Roman Astrology

Post by scorpio »

The first (and arguably) the greatest Roman Emperor, Augustus, supposedly published his natal chart (Suet. Aug. 94.12). We no longer have access to this chart. However, according to the Julian Calendar, he was born just before dawn at the Equinox on the 22nd of the 9th Month, 63BC. Jupiter was supposedly in exaltation in his birth chart. Suetonius says he was born on the Kalends of October 63BC. This works out in modern calendar times as Sun in Libra and Libra Rising (ref: Tamsyn Barton, “Augustus and Capricorn; Astrological Polyvalency and Imperial Rhetoric” in Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 85, 1995. pp. 33-51).

Augustus was great because he built so much and was a great lawmaker. He was one of the few people who managed to keep peace in the Roman Empire for most of his reign. He shows, according to the ancient sources, elements of emotionality when he’s faced with family issues and the loss of prestige of the Imperium. He was forced to exile his beloved and only daughter, Julia, to an extremely barren island. He made laws to uphold traditional Roman family values to the extent of allocating monies from the treasury to married couples who had two or more children . The fact that this did not increase the Roman population may or may not be relevant to his chart. While his arch nemesis was always Cleopatra and the Egyptians, his enemy Mark Anthony was hand in glove with Cleopatra and yet, he defeated them both at the battle of Actium. Even after he had successfully accomplished this he nonetheless banned the worship of the Egyptian Goddess Isis.

Does anyone have any ideas on his chart ? :?
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Re: Roman Astrology

Post by allennicol »

Astrology came in Rome after some strong resistance and disdain. Astrology mingles with the culture of Rome as a result of the conquests that were made outside Rome. The most important conquest that led to the proper development of Astrology was the conquest in Greece.It contains the name of Roman Zodiac sign along with the element name, the ruling planet, the birth stone the lucky number, the lucky color, the lucky day, the quality, the signs with which the compatibility would be good along with names of the famous personalities sharing the same date of birth and personality traits.
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Re: Roman Astrology

Post by Astrorushi »

According to Roman astrology the comparison of various Roman gods to different individuals. The working of Roman astrology is somewhat simple. In this form of Astrology a Roman zodiac sign is assigned, which in some way is similar to the western signs. Once the appropriate sign is found then one can construe which Roman god is representative of the person’s personality.Like this they predict the Astrology for persons.
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Re: Roman Astrology

Post by Noel Eastwood »

omshakthiastrologers wrote:For a large number of years, soothsaying is being considered and drilled everywhere throughout the world. It assumes an imperative part in the logical, medicinal, philosophical and mental fields. A portion of the districts who drove the route to the development and advancement of soothsaying and horoscope. Investigation of the impacts of the planets, stars and other divine wonders on human lives is the premise of Astrology which was established on the solid religious conviction of humankind. In long time past days, it was bound to perceptions and examinations of the divine bodies, for example, planets, stars and so on., which were accepted to delineate signs that may influence lords and kingdoms, as planets and stars were thought of as Gods or their immediate subordinates
om, what does this have to do with the thread topic?
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Re: Roman Astrology

Post by dyzio »

As a person who loves to learn about the Roman Empire, I think it would be interesting if we knew the time of birth of guys like Constantine, Vespasian or others. Forget Barrack Obama or Donald Trump, these are the guys that really shaped the course of history. If anybody has some type of info on other Roman emperors, please share.

It's also common knowledge that the emperor Tiberius barely even left the house without the advice of his astrologer. It's highlighted in "I, Claudius" and especially "The Caesars".
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Re: Roman Astrology

Post by admin »

Hi dyzio,

What a fascinating journey that would be, if you have the time to delve into it.
Theoretically it would be possible to find their birth-times ...somewhere.

I imagine that you know that seems to have at least their Solar charts, e.g. ... _the_Great (for whom they have actually given a birth time: 6:38 am !).

Would be very interested in your thoughts on their charts if you would care to share them.

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Re: Roman Astrology

Post by Psychicramlaxman »

The Romans thought that the position of the celestial bodies could influence human affairs and reveal the will of the gods. They considered the universe and the individual human to be intrinsically linked. They also believed that the specific positions of celestial bodies at the moment of a person’s birth could greatly impact their life and character. Through the study of astrology, they sought to discern the hidden patterns that underlie the universe and human existence. Astrologers played a major role in Roman society, frequently consulted by rulers, generals, and even common people when making consequential decisions. They were particularly held in high regard for their ability to predict the outcomes of momentous events such as wars and natural disasters.
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