General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Intuitive88 »

Intuitive88 wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:30 am I did my own reading on a very close friend I made back in August. We got into a bit of an argument/disagreement in January which changed things but we seem to be moving forward nicely now.

So I pulled three cards

How does he feel about our friendship:
Ace of Air/Swords
- We challenge each others way of thinking and seeing life. We are very different, but this allows us to merge ideas and create new ways of thinking and seeing the world. Our discussions are deep and enlightening and we inspire and support each other. These differences some times create tension but usually in a positive way.

How will our friendship develop in the coming months:
Two of Fire/Wands
- Getting closer and creating a stronger bond. Seeing the importance in each other's friendship.

Where will our friendship be in a year:
Queen of Water/Cups
- Deeply connected, caring and strong.
That two of wands feels very obvious now.

Still not sure about Queen of Cups
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Your interpretations are fine, the High Priestess possibly means to listen to your instincts, your intuition.
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Intuitive88 »

Hello Noel!

It's been a while, but I am here once again seeking your advice and wisdom. I am starting a new job soon and I want some insight as to what my experiences will be...will I get on with my colleagues, will I enjoy the work I am doing, how will my experiences work the kids be?

I am back in the US since July 14 and I am starting a new teaching position very soon. New employee orientation is Wednesday. I am a bit nervous as I will be doing something a little different than I have before. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Noel Eastwood »

I don't see any real issues. Jupiter is soon to Return to his natal position. I would expect this to indicate a new start to things associated with Jupiter in Taurus in the 6th house.

Jupiter in the 6th in Taurus is mostly associated with food, habits, work and responsibility so we would expect your job to be interesting and stimulating (Ju), involve a fair deal of work (Taurus and 6th) and plenty of opportunity to show off your skills. What you need to be mindful of is your tendency to worry and stress over interpersonal relationships with your fellow workers. With any new job you might want to go slowly and gently with the staff because they will be watching the new guy. Any slip ups might make you feel awkward so lots of meditation at home and lots exercise to burn off any stress. Moderation is always called for with a Jupiter transit, and moderation is definitely called for here.

Jupiter says: "What the heck, just dive in and go for it!"

Noel says: "Yeah, why not, but be mindful - go slowly and gently."
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Intuitive88 »

Thank you, Noel. How are things going for you?
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

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We have left freezing Canberra (its the end of winter here) and moved to Brisbane, sub tropics, to be near our kids and grandkids. We're trying to find a decent place to buy but prices are darn sky high here. I have Pluto crossing my Ascendant and he has done a but of damage but at the same time has been pushing me along the enlightenment path. We're living with our daughter and grandkids which is nice but I need my space to research and write. Life is interesting.

Good luck with you job too.
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Intuitive88 »

Thank you so much! I feel like prices are just high everywhere. Our wallets are all being stretched very thin, on top of our mental health and everything else.

I'm sure it's an adjustment moving from your own place back with young kids again. I imagine peace and quiet is important for your writing.

Thank you for the well wishes. If you have some time may you pull some cards for me regarding this job in regards to my performance, relationship with others, and my feelings about it. Time permitting.

Also, will you be settling into Brisbane for the long haul? I assume since you're buying a home that this is the intent. I wish you well on settling in. I just had a big move myself and reverse culture shock was interesting.
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Intuitive88 »

Hey Noel!

My birthday is on Monday and I was hoping if you had time, you can give me a forecast for the year ahead.

Thanks 😊
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Hi ya, it's that time again and ... Happy Birthday!

You've got Saturn exact conjunct North Node, nice and easy but it will make you think of the past, bring back memories. Make them good memories. Jupiter, the sunny side of it, is sweeping past your stellium in Gemini and that will keep your busy. I'd say that it lot will happen over the coming 12 months with Jupiter's stay, because that's how long this will take, 12 months. Jupiter isn't bad, but he can get over excited and cause you to regret the things he says and does, so watch for talking too much.

Neptune is about go into the house of fun and friendship but he has a habit of causing dramas. This is a common theme, 'be careful of what you say and do', it will come back to bite you. He is currently sitting on your IC and which is about the past and the future and it may benefit you to do some meditations on Neptune to see what he is thinking. The IC is the past so making gains in healing the past it will be good.

Pluto has moved into Aquarius and the 3rd house. That will be interesting as it could cause you to say something that upsets people. Not always and not forever but it will be there as a reminder because you've got a few planets making noises that could trigger you say something. Again we have that theme come up so that might be your 'shield' - don't say things or do things that will upset someone. You can swing this around and be the quiet, dark, handsome stranger sitting in the room waiting to talk to someone - but being mindful of what he says.

Other than that you've got a busy 12 months. It's not 'busy' as in 'being busy' but more making sure you don't say or do anything to upset the apple cart. Jupiter will be the one who gets things happening project-wise and will be engaging the opportunities as they come. Good luck and enjoy your birthday :)
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Re: General Overview of Career, Love and Friendships in My Life

Post by Intuitive88 »

Thank you so much! I will definitely keep this in mind.
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