*Daughter of Dolores*
*Not Dolores Herself*
I was a bit confused as to where I should post this.
Okay so, I was asking: has anyone else felt very strongly nostalgic due to some very specific song or tune, or situation?
This is more of a psychological question, but everyone here is very experienced and skilled, and astrologers are psychologists too, isn't it?
I will make myself clear.
I am a HUGE music lover. Music makes me feel happy and,more so often,thoughtful and sad. I listen to many,many artists. But very specifically, two songs, both of Lana Del Rey(Burning Desire and Summertime Sadness) make me feel .... nostalgic.It makes me long for something I don't even know! Like....I have left so many things and people and these songs were a part of that experience and I really want to go back.
I have listened to MANY similar songs and none make me feel this way.
These feelings of nostalgia and longing for the unknown is very weird and inappropriate,if you remember the fact that I am a 17 yr old busy with school and career plans.I honestly still have nothing or no one to long for and feel nostalgic about!
So,I asked some of my friends,the more sensitive and artsy ones. They said nope; no similar emotions
And these emotions are too powerful to ignore!
Another situation where I experience the same powerful feelings is when I am admiring nature
I admire nature's beauty a LOT . I very often separate myself from the crowd just to admire nature But is there anything to feel sad and longing about when you watch the beach or the trees? This is really strange! But the emotions are too powerful to ignore.They overwhelm me to such an extent that on many occasions i have cried while admiring the night sky.I get this really strong desire to run away and be a bohemian.
I am a very ordinary high-school stud in the end but nobody relates to me!
Anyone please?
Not About Astrology
Re: Not About Astrology
music has a big influence on how you are feeling. you can also try to guide your feelings a certain way through different kind of music. An other sing is when a song is saved with a certain memory for example. This happens very often in your subconsciousness. So a specific song can dig out certain feelings and emotions.
Re: Not About Astrology
and it is the same with nature. anyways nature can be really overwhelming and beautiful especially when you calm down and really look at it. when you sit down and listen very closely. for me this is a state of meditation I really enjoy!
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