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Re: Lilith's Chart and a proffered game

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:24 am
by Noel Eastwood
Hi Lilith, yes you've done fine with your analysis, I don't see any problems. Something for your further analysis, both are ruled by Mercury, the conscious mind, Gemini is Active and Virgo is Passive.

Re: Lilith's Chart and a proffered game

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 4:22 am
by Lilith78
If Gemini is about the path, then how would you include this statement along with what you already know. The statement is "Gemini is always looking to the horizon, because Gemini senses something over the horizon that will prove to be the destination it has been searching for." Granted, this statement is about the search for something. It also strongly suggests a destination. Maybe this is another distinction between Virgo and Gemini. In this particular case, Gemini merely knows it wants to reach the horizon. It does not know what exactly it will find when it gets there, so the destination is unknown.

Whereas in Virgo's case, it knows the destination. Virgo may not know the pathway to get to the destination, but the destination is very definitely known.

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