Re: Welcome to Pluto's Cave

Noel Eastwood is a psychotherapist and astrologer.

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Re: Welcome to Pluto's Cave

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Welcome to Pluto's Cave where be dragons, inner selves and wishing wells.

Noel Eastwood has studied and taught tai chi and taoist meditation, astrology and the tarot for more than 30 years. Pluto's Cave is a metaphor for the hidden world of the unconscious.

Dragons are those invisible yet powerful urges that drive us in predetermined ways. They come from our deep unconscious when we are fearful, angry, sad or uncertain. Dragons can be trained to fly and rejoice in their power, yet few initiates know how to do this.

Inner Selves are parts of our psyche splintered off when bad things happen. These, too, live inside our Cave, our deep Unconscious. They feed our dragons when something triggers unpleasant memories.

Wishing Wells are our treasures, those wondrous potentials that lie hidden deep within. For most, they remain untouched throughout an entire lifetime.
Entering Pluto’s Cave is a journey into the unconscious for those who seek to tame their inner Dragons.

In ancient mystery schools, the term ‘initiate’ is often used to describe the seeker of knowledge. Their quest is to find and rescue, support and nurture their own injured inner self. As many issues arise from childhood traumas, initiates realize that the dragon is in fact their fears. They develop strategies to manage the issues that held them back in life and stunted their relationships. The traumas of the past can indeed be healed.

Initiates delve into 'magic wishing wells' of the mind, places of discovery and wonder. They learn meditation techniques that have been practised for centuries to control fears and emotions. They dip into these wells to learn more about the meaning of life.
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Re: Welcome to Pluto's Cave

Post by Noel Eastwood »

Psychological Astrology and the Twelve Houses covers everything the reader needs to know about the Houses of the natal chart from a psychological perspective, with guest charts to illustrate the process of analysis. This book, however, is more than an introduction to psychological astrology. It is an initiation. Noel Eastwood encourages the reader to embark on a vision quest and meet their astrological archetypes - and shares his own, very personal meditations to demonstrate his approach.
Meet my Libra Midheaven, she is a Greek Goddess
Meet my Libra Midheaven, she is a Greek Goddess
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