Seeing numbers like 11:11, 12:12 on the clock along with prophetic dreams

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Seeing numbers like 11:11, 12:12 on the clock along with prophetic dreams

Post by Zalka »

I hope this is the right place to ask this question. So for the past two days me and my best friend were constantly seeing numbers of the same value like 11:11 or 12:12 when checking the clock completely spontaneously. What is interesting is, that she saw the numbers from 09:09 to 13:13 and then not see 14:14 and then saw all the numbers (so 15:15, 16:16, 17:17 and so on) on clock again except for 18:18 - and I saw those exact numbers she missed.
Then on the night from this on the next day I had dreams about a pretty banal topic - we are getting our tests back and I heard the teacher say the grades certain people were getting. Despite the at first sight unimportant dreams, I had a strange feeling and, in the morning, texted my best friend about the dreams along with listing the names and grades of the people I saw in my dreams. I then went to school and the exact same situation as in my dream comes true - I somehow predicted what grades certain people were going to get. Me and my best friend were both pretty amused by this and then as the day went on we were again seeing the numbers such as 11:11, 12:12, 13:13.
Today we didn't see any of the same value numbers except for 20:20.
Can anyone explain what and why is this happening? And what is the meaning behind us completing each other's seen numbers?
Every answer or explanation would mean a lot to us! Thank you in advance!
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