Debilitated Venus( In Chitra Nakshtra,Venus is Atmakarka & also Vargottma here)

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Debilitated Venus( In Chitra Nakshtra,Venus is Atmakarka & also Vargottma here)

Post by spherical »

Unable to come to a clear conclusion

What is your take on this combination for the same individual from Birth Chart and Navamasa (dob is 18.09.1984, tob is 4:19 AM and pob is dehradun, India)

1.) In Birth Chart, For a Leo Ascendant Sun & Venus are conjunct in the the sign of Virgo. Now, this means Venus is debilitated. Sun is 1.3 Deg and Venus is 26.54 Deg. Also, Venus is Atmakarka.

2.) In Navamasa Chart, for a Gemini Ascendant Venus and Ketu are conjunct in 4th house in the sign of Virgo. Now, Venus is debilitated but is a functional benefic planet for a gemini ascendant.

3.) 7th house is empty ( as per Vedic Astrology) in both birth and Navamasa. For the birth chart, the lord of 7th house ( Saturn) is placed in 3rd house along with Pluto. And In Navamasa there is Pluto in 7th house and the lord of the 7th house Jupiter is placed in the second house in the sign of Cancer.

This is a very confusing scenario?
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