The Door for True Existance

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The Door for True Existance

Post by MalizenX »

Don't know how many of you are aware of what we truly are , are we what we think or we are pure consciousness true existence behind our mind illusions .
Suggest reading : Eckhart Toll (Power Of Now , New Earth ) , The Present (Google it ) , Buddha , Zen , Osho , Alan Watts , Krishnamurti .

So as i get more and more aware in this very moment , connecting to astrology 12th house is the house of all delusional mind-created forms that we think we are . 12th house stands for unconscious reactions of our pain and our ego . Ego stands to be form of mind-process that we attach to it , so we basically think we are our mind and so on . We think future will ''save us'' and we are so stuck into some success on all planes . We think love will save us , but we dont even realize what love truly is . As long as we need another person in order to be happy its only ego illusion , ego things another person will save him to be ''happy'' . So ego exist trough time , more time = more ego . Time is non existent fiction created thing by our mind , Time do not exist clocks does . And clocks are created by human mind also calendars and so on . If you truly get deeper , just a little deeper , you can realize there is always present moment . All that happens in past stays in past its gone non existent in this very moment while you think of it . All that ''will'' happen in future will happen in present moment . If in 1st Januray is New Year , it will happen in present moment at 1st January . So future is projected mind thinking process , and past is just story memory of what it was . If this you get clear you realize there is only present moment , moment by moment pure present is only that is truth , why ? Cause is here , cant be neglected cause is here whatever you do you do it in Now . Its pure fact . Next fact is - It is what it is , there is no bad or good or positive or negative or happy and unhappy . All is as it is . Everything change in flux of nature , so it is what it is . Our mind only project postive or negative by his experience trough past and belief system . We cant be our belief system cause i can change it , so how change belief system if i m my belief system ? Must be someone right , Consciousness - Your true presence , The being . Once you realize this , and may took lot of time . All negative outer events and experiences will not be negative anymore , and all positive will be as it is . All is that which it is . In every negative there is positive in every positive there is negative all is balace , as atoms are balanced by Electrons(negative) and Protons (positive) , so life is .

Well if it is as it is , why we have astrology anyway . If Saturn make square to Sun why would i care it is what it is . But there is way of understanding and realizing your true essence trough astrology . You deep down know that no thing in outer world will fulfill you , it may do for a couple hours and than you go for new thing to do some ''happiness'' in your life . So to be aware , take bigger picture - Jupiter , 9th house ruler of it . Start see bigger picture . Then take Saturn , saturn whats us to be in present to be still and it also represents time , so find out how to be present and take that quality of Saturn . His biggest lesson for sure . See 12th house the most of all . 12th house represents unconscious part of ourselves that have to be consciousin order to live in NOW . 12th house stuffs comes out all the time when we expression forms of negativity that make us feel certain bad way , analyses to that house will get you better in knowing unconscios part of you that block you from your true awareness . 12th house is actually most important fact in your awareness of true self .

In same time read about Eckhart and The Present it will get you closer to truth . Peace
What you give out , you get back in return . So be sure you give a lot .
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