Saturn Conjunct Ascendant

Transits are the most obvious and immediately evident way in which astrological influences can be shown to continue beyond the natal horoscope. They are a rich and complex means of exploring and suggesting ongoing opportunities for personal/psychological development within, not only an individual, but also within Families, and Countries.
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Saturn Conjunct Ascendant

Post by lia78 »

Good morning, everyone,

so my Saturn came to my Ascendant recently.
I thought this transit will be like, this one morning I will look to the mirror and say: Oh no, I got old!
But it didn't happen.
Instead, I find myself to be more "me". I am determined to do what I want to do and take to the end the projects I started in the past.
Also, I want to be settled. No more moving, no more traveling, not even partying. I find myself very bored at parties that are supposed to be "relax and fun".
I cannot believe what I was able to do before, like moving from country to country, leaving everything - mostly friends - behind, like if the world was one big playground. I don't see it that way anymore.

It would be interesting to hear what Saturn did on Ascendant to other people - any experiences?
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