A Brief Overview

Transits are the most obvious and immediately evident way in which astrological influences can be shown to continue beyond the natal horoscope. They are a rich and complex means of exploring and suggesting ongoing opportunities for personal/psychological development within, not only an individual, but also within Families, and Countries.
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A Brief Overview

Post by BIGRAVEN13 »

Transits and Complexes

The continuing procession of the planets around the zodiac means that we are in a more or
less constant state of activation of the complexes which make up the personality. As
planets in transit aspect natal planets and pass through houses they indicate much about
how life will be experienced on many levels.

The transition of the faster moving personal planets indicate transitory or ephemeral
conditions related to the qualities of those planets. Changing moods and feelings of a
personal nature, ones desires and modes of activity in every day situations and the nature
of ones personal interactions are thus indicated.

The transition of the structural planets, Jupiter and Saturn, indicate the nature do our
involvements in social and cultural life, opportunities, challenges, limitations and
consolidations. These are planets which indicate the stages within and individual life and
thus delineate the life cycles through which we pass during a life time. Their cyclic
returns and transits may indicate important times of re-orientation and re-evaluation in
life and relate to important rites of passage. It may be more relevant to include Chiron
in this group rather than as an outer planet as its period of around fifty years fits
readily within the lifespan of an individual.

The outer planets move much more slowly that the others and so their effects are more
prolonged if in other ways more subtle. They may indicate times of major upheaval and
opportunity for change and transformation at quite deep levels of the personality. These
are not mere ephemeral moods, nor are they simply to do with one's relation to outer life
realities of socio-cultural conditions. They are likely to indicate times of potential for
deep structural change in the psyche of the individual, the evolution of consciousness and
the arising of karmic material and life lessons. It is during such transits that the
opportunity for spiritual evolution is present to the individual.
"Free will is the ability to do gladly that which one must do" C G Jung
Achernar Sun
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Re: A Brief Overview

Post by Achernar Sun »

I agree with your point of view, after all our life and evolution is ciclonisada with the evolution of the cosmos, in constant self-improvement.

Dividing the time in accordance with the period of performance of planets, we can divide existence into seasons and phases that consistituem. The seasons of life are marked by the transits of the transpersonal Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and its aspects. Indicates a type of development prevailing in the solar system, a spiritual approach outlined by your contacts. It's like the measure to find God and become the present, going to higher layers ever witnessed in history.

As for the social planets (Jupiter and Saturn) shows the times when the most mundane reality is modulated by this heavenly power that changes at a slower pace, showing a more personal way that existence is changing. Jupiter times in Aries makes people more seek independence and be much more dynamic and willing to win and success than Jupiter's time in Virgo, which brings up the details of life and asks them to compose a very different frame of meaning of the word Aryan "arm". One asks that we seijamos more active and present in the day-to-day, making things more and more while the second, also also asked to do the day-to-day. But not for us overcome and be glorious for it, but to build it and optimize it so that it is getting better, practical and useful, working with little instead of fighting for the lot. Dealing with the details, and dealing with something that Aries will never be able to understand: patience. Something that is won not by the wrist, but the mind and continuous effort.

Social so are the issues and facts of what is shrouded from us and we see, unlike the transpersonal that happen, but they are so subtle and invisible.

This is a small my vision of this issue. I hope I have been consistent.
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