Difference between Digbala and Exaltation

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Difference between Digbala and Exaltation

Post by vediclearner »

Do you agree with the definition of the difference as explained by this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmTrqk2bjK0

He states that a planet in exaltation will be aware of how to succeed, while a planet in digbala will be given the opportunity to succeed, but will not necessarily be aware of how to utilize the opportunity.

So it is like- if a person with a debilitated sun has it in digbala, during the sun dasha he will be given a promotion to lead a team at work, but he will not see this as an opportunity because he probably doesn't like the job or he is unsure how to make the most of the job.

But if someone has an exalted sun in dIGshuna (Which is opposite of digbala) then they WILL like the job and they will know exactly how to utilize and lead, but they will not be given the opportunity or promoted to do that job.

Do you agree with this? I would have guess that it was the other way around-that it was the sign that gave the outside opportunity while the house provided the inner knowing.
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Re: Difference between Digbala and Exaltation

Post by lntsrikanth »

If the learner is a beginner, it is better to agree with the presenter.
But, as the learner gains knowledge he will understand that it can be other way round as well.

Also to look at the previous dasa and the next dasa. For example, like in the case you have shown

In Venus, he was already leading a team well in Venus dasa, in Sun dasa it cannot so happen that he cannot handle it well.

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Re: Difference between Digbala and Exaltation

Post by vediclearner »

Ok but in that same chart he also has debilitated moon in the D9 conjunct Ketu, while his Moon is in pisces in D1. So when his moon dasha comes it will start out ok, but end up different?
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Re: Difference between Digbala and Exaltation

Post by lntsrikanth »

Digbala is relevant only for D-1.
However, debilitations may be checked. Moon in debilitation in D-9 could mean so many things. Moon in Pisces being watery sign and positioned again in watery sign in D-9 - could mean highly emotional person.

Debilitation generally shows worry in D-9, debilitated moon placed in 4th - could mean worry for mother / home / peace (happiness) / vehicles / education / other 4th house significations. Other than that, importantly, Moon lords 7th house in D-1 and debilitated in D-9, means trust poor emotional connect with wife.
In general, native spends (12th house -Cancer) emotionally as lord is in watery sign. Also looks for emotional connect in sex partners.

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Re: Difference between Digbala and Exaltation

Post by lntsrikanth »

I suggest to read Crux of Astrology Timing of Events by Pandit Sanjay Rath.
Also keep horoscopes (at least 30-40) ready to compare events. It is a very well-structured book for beginners and advanced.
It is downloadable free from google in PDF. The following is one of the links.
https://archive.org/details/sanjayrathc ... 1/mode/2up

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