Evaluating Nakshatras and Gana

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Evaluating Nakshatras and Gana

Post by Rakshasa »

Hi i'm new here, but not new to astrology (I am newer to vedic however). I'm really fascinated by Nakshatras and their importance. What planets and points (other than the moon) Nakshatras are of great importance? I ask in part because my moon is ruled by the Sun which is in the same Nakshatra as my Lagna [and I feel much closer to this Nakshatra].

I'm curious on how you all analyze your Nakshtras. Do you look at just the Moon and Lagna? Or the rulers of the Rashi and Nakshtra of the Moon and Lagna placements? How about the Sun and the ruler of its Nakshtra and Rashi? Or as a whole?

As for Gana in my chart I have 3 human Gana (Moon,Ketu,Saturn) 2 Deva Nakshatra (Jupiter, Rahu) and 5 Rakshasa Gana (Sun,Lagna, Mercury,Mars,Venus<as well as the atmakaraka depending on Ayanamasha>). Thus in part my name for this site. 3 of the 5 Rakshasa points are my Moons ruler, my Moons Nakshtra ruler, and my Lagna. Is it inncorect that the statements and nature of this Gana are more like me (not that I don't show traits of the other Gana)?

That leads me to the question of how you identity your Gana in your own charts, do you just stick with the Moon?
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